
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Weekly Report #3: Weapons, INI Files and Still No Tutorials.

I'm starting to hate myself because of not finding enough time to share things with you guys. But you have to understand that all of what I do won't matter unless I show some achievements. Which means I need to post a game to App Store and start getting at least some income! I don't think I'll manage to share any useful information about how I do that yet. It's just that informative posts take a lot of time and energy, while reporting posts are like a simple chat with a friend. I hope you understand me. I will still try to share some information, but not as much as I would like to.

Now let me tell you a few words about how the study and game-dev process is going.
This week I had an accident with my project. I was adding an input zone through an .ini file and suddenly all of the configuration file got reset to the default settings somehow! I have no idea why that happened, but fortunately I had a backup of the project on my desktop PC so I copied the configuration files from there. Now I'm back in shape.

I know it doesn't look so pretty. It's just a placeholder graphics.
I finally managed to add a weapon to the pawn! :)) Although the weapon still needs some refining I'm still happy with the result. It might sound simple to a person who already knows how to add a weapon to a pawn, but for me it was like walking in a dark and trying to find a way out.

I also starting to work on the designs already! I was a bit afraid of this stage, because design is the thing that makes me nervous most of the time.

On this week's to-do list is finishing the weapon class and studying basic usage of AI classes. Also I need to get done with end game events, HUD, menus and transition levels. I don't think I manage to cover all of that this week, but what cheers me up is that as soon as I'm done with these I can start actual production of the game!

Things go really well! I actually can't believe I'm still doing it))


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